Upcoming Meetings

Fayetteville Advisory Committee on Transit

  • Date: 11/21/2023 5:30 PM  

The Committee's purpose is: To address the public transportation needs of Fayetteville NC in a proactive way by providing recommendations to the City Council, City management, users and the general public in an effort to create a comprehensive and cohesive transit system that responds to our community's present and future needs.


Please click this URL to join. https://fayettevillenc.zoom.us/j/87623754890?pwd=NFUzWk1tSHpTb0ErdEZ4MnJXYzJvUT09

Passcode: 163381


Or Telephone:


+1 646 558 8656 US

Meeting ID: 876 2375 4890

Passcode: 163381


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