Zoning Regulations


Purpose of Zoning Regulations

Zoning regulations establish the type and intensity of land uses allowed in various areas of the City.  The intent behind zoning regulations is to enhance compatibility between various land uses and to match land uses with the public and private infrastructure necessary to support those uses. For instance, heavy industrial uses are usually located away from homes and neighborhoods to keep noise and odors associated with industrial operations from creating problems for residents.  Likewise, large commercial facilities are generally located on major roadways in order to accommodate the heavy traffic that these facilities generate.

Zoning Map and Zoning Districts

The official City of Fayetteville Zoning Map divides the City into districts of various types, ranging from the Conservation District which allows only limited development in order to protect environmentally sensitive lands to the Heavy Industrial district which allows very intensive manufacturing and distribution type uses.  The City of Fayetteville has three special base zoning districts, five residential base zoning districts, nine business base zoning districts, three planned development districts, and 11 overlay zoning districts.  Additionally, any base zoning district may be considered as a conditional zoning district that allows additional conditions to be applied to development within such districts regarding uses, intensity of development, and dimensional requirements to promote particular types of development or to encourage compatibility with surrounding uses.  Except for conditional zoning districts, each district is described briefly below.

Zoning District Name



Special Base Zoning Districts

Conservation District


Preserves and protects identifiable natural resources from urban encroachment. Discourages development that creates risk for loss of life or property from normal or natural processes and events in natural hazard areas like floodplains.

Agricultural – Residential District


Accommodates rural uses, including agricultural uses and agriculturally-supportive uses, as well as low-density residential uses.

Military/Airport District


Identifies those lands within the City containing military installations and the Fayetteville Regional Airport.

Residential Base Zoning Districts

Single-Family Residential 15 District


Accommodates single-family detached residential development at low densities (15,000 square-foot minimum lot size), as well as small-scale multi-family dwellings. Also allowed are complementary uses such as parks, open space, schools, and places of worship.

Single-Family Residential 10 District


Accommodates single-family detached residential development at low densities (10,000 square-foot minimum lot size), as well as small-scale multi-family dwellings. Also allowed are complementary uses such as parks, open space, schools, and places of worship.

Single-Family Residential 6 District


Accommodates single-family detached residential development at moderate densities (6,000 square-foot minimum lot size), as well as small-scale multi-family dwellings. Larger scale multi-family developments are allowed with special use permits. Also allowed are complementary uses such as parks, open space, schools, and places of worship.

Mixed Residential 5 District


Accommodates a wide variety of residential housing types at moderate to high densities. Also allowed are complementary institutional uses (places of worship, post offices, police substations), day care facilities, and limited small-scale neighborhood oriented convenience retail uses.

Manufactured Home District


Accommodates manufactured home parks.

Business Base Zoning Districts

Office & Institutional District


Accommodates a mix of small-scale, low-intensity professional business offices installations, along with limited service uses and low to moderate density residential uses.

Neighborhood Commercial District


Accommodates small-scale low-intensity “convenience” type retail and service uses to serve the needs of the immediately surrounding neighborhoods. Residential uses are encouraged on the upper floors of nonresidential establishments.

Limited Commercial District


Accommodates a range of moderate-intensity general retail, business and service uses that serve groups of neighborhoods, such as grocery stores, drugstores, large restaurants, gas stations and specialty retail stores. Residential uses are encouraged on the upper floors of nonresidential establishments.

Community Commercial District


Accommodates a diverse range of medium to high intensity retail, service and office uses that serve the general community and region. Higher density residential uses are encouraged on the upper floors of nonresidential establishments or exist as stand-alone buildings.

Mixed-Use District


Promotes the coordinated development of a compatible and balanced mix of mutually supporting, living, working, shopping, educating, entertaining and recreating uses.

Downtown District


Promotes the urban form and architectural character found in traditional downtown areas in a diverse mixed-use urban center environment.

Light Industrial District


Accommodates light manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, processing, distribution, storage, research and development, and other industrial uses that are small-scale in nature and have minimal adverse environmental and visual impacts.

Heavy Industrial District


Accommodates heavy manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, processing, distribution, storage, research and development, and other industrial uses that are large-scale in nature and may have the potential for adverse environmental and visual impacts.

Business Park District


Provides for large-scale “campus” type development containing “core” uses that include light and heavy industrial, research and development, corporate headquarters, office-warehouse, assembly, business incubation, and vocational and training school uses, along with supportive uses that include general office, visitor accommodation, restaurant and retail uses.

Planned Development Zoning Districts

Planned Development – Residential District


Encourages the use of innovative and creative site and building design to provide a mix of different residential uses in close proximity to one another.

Planned Development –Employment Center District


Encourages the development of a mix of employment generating uses such as offices, research, light industrial, and limited commercial uses, and may include high-density residential uses in appropriate locations.

Planned Development – Traditional Neighborhood District


Provides an opportunity to develop mixed-use, traditional neighborhoods as an alternative to conventional suburban residential development.

Overlay Zoning Districts

Hospital Area Overlay District


Provides for compatible quality development in the vicinity of the Cape Fear Valley Hospital by lessening conflicts between residential and nonresidential land uses.

Historic/Landmark Overlay District


Protects and promotes the historic heritage of the city by maintaining and enhancing historic and architecturally valuable structures, properties, districts and neighborhoods.

Manufactured Home Overlay District


Accommodates the placement of manufactured homes in the city in accordance with City-adopted plans and local housing needs.

Noise – Accident Potential Overlay District


Intends to reduce the concentration of people exposed to high noise levels and aircraft accidents associated with airports and military installations.

Airport Overlay District


Protects the public by minimizing exposure to and giving public notice of probable high noise levels and accident hazards generated by airport operations at the Fayetteville Regional Airport

Special Highway Overlay District


To be determined.

Murchison Road Corridor Overlay District


To be determined.

Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District


Protects and preserves unique design features and character of established neighborhoods throughout the City by promoting new construction that is compatible with existing neighborhood character.

Cape Fear River Overlay District


To be determined.

Coliseum Tourism Overlay


Establishes and maintains the Coliseum as a contemporary, vibrant retail area that is harmonious with its events.

Regional Activity Center


Supports areas that demonstrate a common, economically significant contribution to the community, focusing on compatibility between existing and future uses in type, scale, and character and by promoting compatibility with nearby uses.

Suburban Activity Center


Facilitates infill development and redevelopment in key areas along arterial road corridors to create or reinforce centers of primarily mixed-use activity.

Conditional Zoning


Allows an applicant to submit a request to amend the zoning district designation of land on the Zoning Map, subject to a set of additional voluntary limitations or conditions.


Types of Uses

Permitted uses are land uses which are allowed by right in a particular zoning district. Special uses are uses which are allowed only after a public hearing process is followed. Prohibited uses are not allowed in the zoning districts in which they are not listed. Section 30-4.B provides a description and examples of the uses typical of each use category; this section is used to help identify where a new or unlisted use should be placed.  The Use Table (http://online.encodeplus.com/regs/fayetteville-nc/doc-viewer.aspx#secid-11250) serves as a quick reference as to which uses are permitted, which are special uses, and which are prohibited uses. Some permitted uses have special requirements; the Use Table includes section references which allow the reader to determine what these special requirements are.

Principal and Accessory Uses

 The land uses described in the Use Table are principal uses, or, in other words, the dominant land use on a parcel of property.  Accessory uses are subordinate land uses that support principal uses. For example, on a lot in a single family residential zoning district, a house would be the principal use, while a backyard storage shed would be an accessory use.  Section 30-4.D of the UDO (http://online.encodeplus.com/regs/fayetteville-nc/doc-viewer.aspx#secid-10435) provides a list of accessory uses and the standards which apply to them.

Additional Information

Planning & Zoning Division, Zoning Section- Applications & Staff Contact Information