Currently, Fayetteville PWC (Public Works Commission) is responsible for disposing of Surplus Property for the City. Visit the PWC’s website here for further information on Surplus Property.
Who processes invoice payments for the City?
The City’s Accounts Payable Division of the Finance Department handles invoice payments with standard payment terms of Net 30.
Does the City pay sales tax?
Yes, the City is required to pay North Carolina state and local sales taxes. Please include all applicable taxes on invoices.
Are City personnel allowed to purchase items without a purchase order?
Yes, some City personnel are issued a City of Fayetteville procurement card which gives them authorization to make certain purchases in accordance with City Purchasing Procedures. Currently, Bank of America. provides this procurement card service for the City, and the cards can be used with suppliers that accept Visa credit cards.
Are local governments allowed to participate in state contracts?
Yes, the State of North Carolina allows all local governments to participate in any of their contracts for the purchase of supplies and equipment. See the North Carolina Division of Purchase and Contracts for information regarding these contracts. For additional government resources, see UNC School of Government.
How can I find out about upcoming bids?
Current bids, requests for proposals for services, and construction bids are advertised on the City’s website on the Current Bid Opportunities page here.
Are bid tabulations available for public inspection?
Bid Tabulations are available at the Purchasing Department’s website by accessing the Bid Tabulations link here.
How do I arrange a vendor visit/appointment?
Vendor visits must be scheduled prior to your visit. You can contact the Purchasing Office at to request an appointment along with providing the product information you would like to present.
What do I need to do to become an active vendor/supplier with the City of Fayetteville?
To become and active vendor with the City, complete our online Vendor Registration Form. The City has established the Vendor Registration Form in an effort to encourage businesses to participate in our Bidding process. The form helps the City Purchasing Department identify vendors that would potentially have a product or service currently requested to procure. If you need further assistance with the form you can contact the purchasing office and one of the staff members will be happy to assist you.