Discussion. Direction. Development.
“It is better to go slowly in the right direction than to go speeding off in the
wrong direction.” –Simon Sinek
- Attend community and civic meetings to listen and ask questions.
- Host a Faith Forum with faith-based leaders in the community and elected officials.
- Engage school leadership and principals.
- Engage higher education leaders.
- Begin developing a formal internal communication plan.
- Review implementation options for strategic planning process.
- Assess professional capacity of team and where additional training may be needed, in addition to succession planning opportunities.
- Determine and define the organizational culture.
- Celebrate successes of the department and challenge the team to be its best where there is opportunity for growth.
- Compile and share 2022 closeout report with benchmarks and data.
Establish internal committees to review:
- Promotional & Specialized Assignments: Evaluate existing processes. Evaluate the need for prerequisite training, education or standards. Determine minimum qualifications.
- Community engagement: evaluation of current programs and new proposals.
- Recommendations on ways to reach target audience and target communities.
- Officer input on programs they could lead and guarantee participation.
- Review of departmental social media platforms. Consideration for rebranding.
- Community Satisfaction Survey: analyze most recent city survey of the community and develop strategies to address negative aspects of the survey.
- Repeat Offender Program: Develop criteria and strategies to implement a repeat offender program that focuses on violent offenders.
Establish external committees to review
- Community engagement: what type of meaningful engagement does the community envision or expect. What type of engagement or events would generate the greatest amount of community participation and have the greatest impact. How to attract target audiences.
- Gang Awareness: how do we implement some program that educates and diverts the youth from illegal activities and specifically involvement with gangs. Establish committee to work with Tommy Harding (ex-gang member local author) to develop ideas on how to address.
- Develop strong connections to community and civic groups.
- Establish clear goals for future success and opportunities.
- Create cohesion and organizational culture around shared vision and values with well informed workforce.