Be prepared before the storm.

 Always be aware. Always be prepared.City leaders and staff continue to make infrastructure improvement a priority but in most residential and commercial areas, systems are typically designed for what’s commonly referred to as a 10-year, 24-hour storm event. A 10-year event is a storm capable of producing rainfall expected to be equaled or exceeded on the average of once in 10 years. Therefore, residents should remain vigilant, know their neighborhood layout where crossings are likely for water to overtop the road and keep a three-day emergency supply kit available. Always be Aware and Always be Prepared during hurricane season. The following resources below provides information on being prepared during these events.

map icon Displays real-time information regarding roadway conditions of major roads during major storm events. 

Flood Awareness Map- Displays vetted information for the City of Fayetteville regarding reports of flooding from previous storm events such as hurricanes Matthew and Florence.

FIMAN- FIMAN (Flood Inundation Mapping and Alert Network) offers real-time rain and stage gage information, flood inundation maps, alerts, and insights into flooding impacts. 





Flood Awareness Map
City Programs